Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Update...kind of

I have not updated in so long that I have no idea where to begin.  Life has changed...a lot.  I am currently a 3rd year kindergarten teacher and love what I do.  I however have kind of been chosen by administration to be the example of what happens when you are not the brown nosing type :)  This in turn has maybe me re-evaluate how I feel about being in the public school setting.  I'm not fully certain of admins plans but I don't feel they will be keeping me on for next year.

My feelings on this you ask...completely torn.  I love teaching and working with students and well I have amazing co-workers!  However with all of the changes happening in the education field and with my situation I feel a choice is being made for me that is possibly for the best.  I just have to choose how I exit...

On the upside Justin, Scout and I are doing great.  I absolutely love being a mom...even to a stinkerish almost 2 year old!  He makes me laugh so hard daily, he also make me cry almost daily.  I am so emotional when it comes to him that I tear up pretty easily when he amazes me or gives me a huge squeeze and kiss out of the blue.  Justin is working his uhm, behind off,  I don't know how he is functioning.  I am so proud of him and his instinct to take care of Scout and I.  Even though losing my wages would hurt us a tad he says if I'm not happy something has too change.  The support helps me be a little more at ease.

Okay aside from that...the holidays are just around the corner.  Read, 2 weeks give or take!  I have not a decoration up, not a tree, a piece of tinsel, nada!  I have been so busy with work and wrapping up my masters that I just haven't got around to it yet.  This weekend is the weekend.  As for shopping well it may be on Christmas Eve lol :)  but no jokes it may be.

Well I should get off of here and go see what my masters homework asks of me this weekend, good night.