Tuesday, February 16, 2010

let's see where things lead

Well things have been busy around here, kind of. We have been getting year end items ready so we can meet with the accountants and finish our taxes for the year. Justin has had the last week and a half off due to a lack on cookies, but will be very busy filling the stores up again for the next few weeks. It has been nice to spend so much time with him since we are both going to be very busy starting next week. He will be a cookie selling machine and I will be a teacher for the remainder of the school year. I was just asked to fill a long term sub position as a 2nd grade teacher in the school district I would love to get something full time in. Maybe this is what I need to get in. We have also been looking into other business options as Justin is not loving the cookie sales career and is wanting something more rewarding, he and his dad have been throwing some ideas around so maybe this year will bring some business change for us...who knows.

We have also decided that the last birth control pill I took on Saturday will most likely be the last unless I panic and go back on. We are hoping to try for a little one this summer. We are pretty sure july will be the month of TTC. So these next few month will be TTA by charting and using OPK's. Hope they work...we may employ other means of safety as well! Well there is my big update for now. Ihave lots more to say but am gettign quite tired tonight and must hit the hay...dentist bright and early in the morning :)