Well it seems as if I am in a family way. I took a pregnancy test on Sat. April 22nd because in my gut something felt different. I was simply hoping for a longer LP and when I started have some odd symptoms such as extreme heartburn, and hunger I thought something might be up. I know they say how could you tell, well I really can't explain it but I knew when I took that test it was going to be positive.
I was home alone when I took the test and freaked out and went to find J who was fishing I told him that we needed to go to WB to get a digital because I had to see the word "pregnant" to believe it. So we did and when I took it with very diluted urine I still got a BFP very quickly! I was scared, shocked, uncertain and about 100 other emotions. Happiness came a little later after I had time to adjust to the idea. So far only J, my mom, and a friend know besides me.
I am not very far along, just about 5 weeks or so if FF was right on my O date and have not even scheduled a first visit, waiting till school gets out. I will tell people when I am around the 12week mark. NOw that I am overjoyed and excited I am worried something is going to go wrong, I guess I just have to kkeep with my usual thought...everything happens for a reason.
Well I am off for the evening I need to get some work done...report cards are due soon and I want to be ahead of the game. Goodnight!